Ticketure supports the ability to push details to Mailchimp enabling organizations to generate reminder and thank you emails for those who have purchased tickets or attended your events. The following article outlines the configuration needed to complete this integration.
Ticketure can send details to Mailchimp for the following actions:
- Newsletter Enrollment - someone purchases a ticket and checks the 'Newsletter' checkbox.
- Pre Visit - Triggered on purchase, transfer, revalidation for a ticket. If the tickets are canceled, invalidated, or refunded, the user is unsubscribed from the list.
- Post Visit - Triggered on redeem/scan of a ticket. A person is unsubscribed if the ticket is unredeemed.
Best Practice - Multiple Audiences
As a best practice, multiple lists are suggested given subscribe and unsubscribe actions of the tickets above. A combined list could result in someone being unsubscribed from the newsletter if they receive a refund.
Step 1 - Locate your API Key within Mailchimp
Your API Key is what enables Ticketure to communicate with your Mailchimp account. To locate (or create) your API Key navigate to the following URL - https://admin.mailchimp.com/account/api/. Once logged in locate the 'Your API Keys' section:
The data found in the API Key section as indicated in the image above is your API Key. Note that and send in your request to Support.
Best Practice
You are welcome to use an existing API key, but best practice would be that you create a new API Key and give it a label of ‘Ticketure’ or a name that you know is the key for Ticketure. This enables you at any time to disable the key and communication to your Mailchimp account would stop only for Ticketure - leaving other services to continue.
Step 2 - Locate Your Audience ID
Ticketure will be sending over information to a Mailchimp Audience ID. To locate your Audience ID, navigate to or create a new audience you would like to have the data populated. In the upper right corner, there is a ‘Manage Audience’ dropdown. Select that drop down and choose ‘Settings’.
Once in the settings for your Audience, the Audience ID is at the bottom of that page.
Note this alphanumeric value and include it in your support request as the Audience ID. If you have multiple Audience IDs then repeat this step for each list.
Step 3 - Note Tags (Optional)
Ticketure enables you to assign Audience ‘Tags’ to a record. Tags can be useful in segmentation of Ticketure data in a list should you be combining Ticketure data into a larger master list - ex: a large Newsletter list. To have Ticketure records have a tag applied to them automatically, note the name of the tag in the ‘Tag' section of Mailchimp and add that Tag Name into your support request.
Send Request to Support
At this time generate a support request to Client Services with the List ID, Audience ID, and any desired tags, and our team will handle the setup in Ticketure.
Step 4 - Add Merge Fields to Capture Ticketure Data
Ticketure will be sending information to your audiences which you can use for triggering campaigns and segmentation. To receive the data Ticketure is sending, for each Audience (including Newsletter), the following fields (case sensitive) and types will need to be created.
- EVENT - Text - This is the Event Name attending (if multiple events, only the last purchase will show here)
- SESSION_DT - Date - This is the date of the next session the customer is attending
- REDEEM_DT - Date - This is the last date the customers redeemed a ticket. This will the customer has never redeemed a ticket and didn't attend their event.
To configure Merge Fields please follow the following steps:
1. Navigate to your Audience, choose Settings and Audience Fields and *|Merge|* Tags
2. At the bottom choose ‘Add a Field’ and select ‘Date’ or ‘Text’ (depending on field configuring) as the format.
Repeat step 2 until all fields are configured which should resemble something like the following (your |MERGE| numbers will be different - the field names inside the square are the important ones).
Once all configurations are set, you can now create Automated Marketing Campaigns in Mailchimp that can trigger off the Session Date or Redeem Date which is passed from Ticketure.
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