Apple Wallet Pass within Ticketure

Once the Apple Wallet Certificates are installed, it is time to configure the look and feel of your Apple Wallet.

Note: There are limited areas of update around the Apple Wallet, with most details around images and text/copy. More information is outlined in this Apple Wallet Developer Guide.

Setup Requirements

The following seller level metadata must be added to your Ticketure seller for Apple/Google Wallets to properly generate.

metadata_key Metadata Value Info
image image url
This should be automatically added when you add a seller image
image_cover image url When multiple events are on an order, this is the image that will show as the strip image
image_profile image url  
pkpass_bgcolor Example: rgb(0, 0, 0) Defines pass background color


Note: Hero Image Variances

Apple and Google Wallets have different hero image layouts with Apple being square/rectangular and Google is a circle. You can specify different Apple vs Google hero images by adding a prefix on the image_cover meta key - as follows: Google Wallet image: Meta key is 'gwpass:image_cover' and for Apple Wallet 'pkpass:image_cover'.

Example screenshot:


Image Requirements

Home screen notifications will use the Ticketure seller image. The home screen notification is triggered by the latitude/longitude of your venue, which is configured on the Ticketure venue setup.

Membership and event passes will utilize the event's "event detail image" for the strip image, and the seller image as the logo. The layout used is the "Event Ticket With Strip Image" layout, as found in the Apple Wallet Developer Guide.

  • Seller image/logos must be at least 660px x 660px and a 1:1 aspect ratio
  • Event detail image/strip images and image_cover must be at least 375px wide and a 3:1 aspect ratio

NOTE: Any images linked in the metadata must be in a .jpg or .png file type only. SVG will return an error.

For detailed information on best practices for image sizing, visit the Ticketure Image Requirements support article.


Colors & Copy Metadata (Optional)

Seller or event level metadata can be used to configure the foreground color, label color, "pass details" copy, seller name, and the ability to hide add-ons from the pass front. Below are the specific fields to be configured in metadata:

metadata_key Metadata Value Info
pkpass_fgcolor Example: rgb(0, 0, 0) Seller level: defines foreground color
pkpass_labelcolor Example: rgb(0, 0, 0) Seller level: defines label color
pkpass_copy Plain text Seller or event level: Used to add copy as a "backField" and is displayed when the user looks at the "back of the pass" or "pass details". This does not work for ticket group metadata.
pkpass_backonly Plain text Event level: Allows hiding add-ons from the pass front for whole order passes
pkpass_seller Plain text Seller or event level: Allows to be overridden


Membership Pass Design Options

There are two options for membership passes.

Option 1

This design includes the member name, member level, member ID and membership expiration date. NOTE: this option excludes the seller name at the top of the pass. To use this design, you will use the following 'ticket' level URL within the HTML code in your email template that hyperlinks the Apple Wallet image:{{event_templates.[0].event_sessions.[0].tickets.[0].ticket_id}}/pkpass

Apple Wallet Option 1.png


Option 2

This design includes the membership start date (valid from) and expiration date (valid to), the order ID, and the seller name. To use this design, you will use the following 'ticket order' level URL within the HTML code in your email template that hyperlinks the Apple Wallet image:


Apple Wallet Option 2.png


Configure Apple Wallet Button on Email Templates

Add HTML code to your email template to hyperlink the "Add to Apple Wallet" image using one of the following URLs:

  • Standard Ticket with 1 QR code/pass per order:


  • Standard Ticket with 1 QR code/pass per ticket:


  • Membership pass design option 1:{{event_templates.[0].event_sessions.[0].tickets.[0].ticket_id}}/pkpass

  • Membership pass design option 2:


Note: The validity of the QR code on the Apple Wallet adheres to the Session Duration increment in the event set up. This overrides what is set at the Admission Window section setup in the ticket group.

For more information on email template configurations, visit the Email Templates support articles.

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