Choose cashbox for which to "Join Active Session" (will receive pop up asking if you are sure you would like to join an active session) or "Start New Session".
If prompted to scan the cashbox QR code, tap on the keyboard icon at the top right of the page.
After choosing "Start New Session", you will be instructed to enter "Opening Till Balance". After selecting "Start Session", you will be asked if the amount you entered is correct.
Once you are part of a cashbox session, the cashbox name will populate at the top of the Ticketure POS App home screen.
To leave (exit without further action required) or close out (will require balancing the cashbox [described below]) a session, select "Cashboxes" again at the Ticketure POS App home screen and choose "Leave/Close Session", then choose whether to "Leave Session" or "Close Session".
If you choose "Close Session", you will be prompted to enter amount of each bill or "denomination" collected. You will then be prompted to confirm the cashbox balance amount, at which point you will be presented with a breakdown of the "Initial Opening Balance" and "Expected Closing Balance". This report can be printed when connected to a printer by selecting "Print Report" at bottom of screen.
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