Salesforce Connector Architecture/Object Model

Architecture/Object Model

The TixTrack Connector utilizes standard Salesforce and NPSP objects to the furthest extent possible, with custom objects used where no standard objects exist. The image below details the objects utilized by the connector.



The connector utilizes the Account object for storing Ticketure Organizations. Customers that utilize NPSP may also use the Account object for Households, however as Ticketure has no support for Households, these records are ignored in any syncing back to Ticketure (based on record type).


All “Identities” or Customers in Ticketure represent individuals (not organizations) and are stored in the Contact object. Since Salesforce Contacts should be associated with a parent account, it is assumed that the Salesforce instance is configured in some way to automatically create a parent account for each new contact that’s inserted. NPSP automatically performs this function by creating a Household account for any new contact.   

It’s possible for Contacts to exist without a parent Account.  Salesforce calls these Private Contacts, and they’re generally problematic since Opportunity records don’t do much good without Accounts either.  The connector application is designed to work with Accounts and connect Opportunities to them, but will still function in a limited way when Private Contacts exist.


The Opportunity object represents a Cart in Ticketure and a Cart+Membership in Salesforce.  This works well since NPSP also uses the Opportunity object to represent Memberships and performs rollups to the Account.  When NPSP is not installed, the Opportunity is still used in this way.

Opportunity Product

Opportunity Product or Opportunity Line Item records represent Tickets in Ticketure.  The connector application will match tickets to Contact records found on the same Account, based on Name and Email matching, or Identity Matching if the Contact’s Identity exists in Ticketure.

Ticketure Discount

This represents one or many Discounts that were applied to the Cart during the purchase in Ticketure.

Product, Pricebook, and Pricebook Entry

Since the Ticketure Connector is using Opportunity Products to represent Tickets, it requires that Products, Pricebooks, and Pricebook Entries exist.  There are options covered later in the Ticket Audit and Managed Cart Audit payload sections that will enable the connector application to help manage these automatically.  Products in Salesforce match up to Event Templates in Ticketure.  Pricebook Entries are derived from the Event Template as well.  Pricebooks must be managed by end users, and the connector will not automatically create or modify them.

General Accounting Unit & Allocation (NPSP)

If NPSP is installed then organizations will have objects for General Accounting Units and Allocations.  The Allocation object in NPSP represents both GAU Allocations and Payment Allocations.  The connector application will detect if NPSP is installed, and manage allocations to GAUs using the General Account Unit lookup on the Product record.  The lookup mentioned here is not part of the managed connector application and must be created after the installation.  There is a child package that can be installed that creates the unmanaged fields automatically.

Payment (NPSP)

Similar to General Accounting Unit and Allocation, Payments will be created if NPSP is installed, and we receive Gateway Audit payloads.  

Affiliation (NPSP)

Affiliations in NPSP represent relationships between individuals (Contact records) and organizations (Account records).  If NPSP is installed, the Identity Changed payload handler will attempt to create affiliations for relationships included in the payloads from Ticketure.  This way the connector is not re-homing Contact records directly under Organizations, and they will still exist under Households


Additional information about the connector is available but requires login access. If you are a Ticketure Customer or an approved Salesforce Integrator log into the Help Center to continue browsing. If you are not a Customer or an approved Salesforce Integrator, submit a Support ticket to the Help Center requesting access and we will review the request and grant permission accordingly.

Security For Connector Tasks

The Connector performs its tasks via Automated Process which is a "System" user, therefore you won't find listed in the "Users" section. It's the user that Platform Events run as and this user has the System Administrator profile.
To exclude this user and therefore the connector from any defined automation/flows, the best way I've found is to filter on this user's alias, which is "autoproc".

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