Teamwork Project Management Guide

Welcome to Teamwork! Here is a quick guide on how to navigate and communicate through the platform. 

To access your implementation project through you must be set up with a user login to the platform. To request access, please contact your organization's Project Manager or send a request to with your name, email address, position title, and organization name and the email subject "Teamwork Access - Your Organization Name."

NOTE: When commenting on Tasks in Teamwork please do not select everyone from TixTrack to be notified. That list includes our dev team, and we try to limit the amount of notifications they receive to cut down on the "noise." Please only select users that should be notified about the comment. See details below under "Interacting with Tasks."

Teamwork Navigation

See GREEN content in below screenshot 1
  1. Home Page - When you log into the system it will usually open to your Home Page.
  2. My Work - My work will show you any tasks that you are assigned to. Initially, all of the Client tasks are assigned to the full Client Team, which contains all of the Client members. Once these tasks get assigned to individual team members, only that member will see them under "My Work"
    • NOTE: Susan is set up as a "Client User" and has the permissions to reassign tasks as needed.
  3. My Projects - To see the full project and all tasks, navigate to "My Projects" and click on the project.
  4. Projects - You can also navigate to the full project by clicking on "Projects" in the left menu.
  5. Sort - All pages have the ability to sort based on many different options. My preferred sort for the "My Work" screen is by "Project" and "Descending."

Understanding Task Priorities

See BLUE content in below screenshot 1
  1. Task Readiness/Check Off -
    • When a task has a circle with a check mark inside, that means the task is ready to be worked on. Once you complete the task you can click the check mark to mark the task as completed.
    • When a task has a red circle with a dash, that means that the task is waiting on something else to be completed before you can start on that task. If you hover over the red circle it will show you what task it is dependent on.
  2. Task Board - These are fields that can be manually changed to show the current status of the task.
    • Not Ready to Start - This indicates that the task is either not ready to start or hasn't been started.
    • Ready to Start- This indicates the task is ready to start or has been started. When the red circle with a dash is no longer on a task, that indicates that the task is ready to start and this board indicator can be applied.
    • In Progress - This indicates the task is in progress. Once you start working on a task, change the board indicator to this.
    • In Test - This indicates the task or item is being tested.
    • Completed - This indicates the task is completed. Before checking the check mark to complete a task, change the board indicator to completed.
    • On Hold (Awaiting Client) - This indicates the task is on hold and awaiting further information from the client.
    • On Hold (Awaiting 3rd Party) - This indicates the task is on hold and awaiting further information from an external 3rd party.
  3. Due Date (and Start Date) - All tasks will have a due date assigned. This due date aligns with the project milestones and dependent tasks. Some tasks will have a start date. Start dates are suggested based on dependent tasks.
  4. Priority Flag - 
    1. Red Flag - The red flag indicates a high priority task. These tasks have the ability to affect the overall project timeline. Please be mindful of due dates for these tasks, as they need to stay on schedule as much as possible.
    2. Yellow Flag - The yellow flag indicates a medium priority task. These are tasks that need to be completed for go-live, but generally won't cause any project delays or are quick to configure.
    3. Green Flag - The green flag indicates a low priority task. These are tasks that will not prevent go-live if they are not completed. Meaning, the system can go live without these items and still fully function.

Interacting with Tasks

See ORANGE content in below screenshots 1-3
  1. Commenting on Tasks - (see screenshots 2 & 3 below for further detail)
    • Seeing Comments - When a comment has been made on a task you will see the "talk bubble" with a number next to it. The number indicates how many comments have been made. If the talk bubble is green, that means there are comments you have not read yet. If the talk bubble is white, that means you have seen all of the comments. Click on the talk bubble to view the comments.
    • Adding New Comments (see screenshots 2 & 3 below) - 
      • Quick Add - If a task has no comments on it already, to see the "talk bubble," hover over the task to reveal it and other options.
      • Full View - You can click "Details" on a task to open the larger task view, where you can also add comments.
      • Add Comment - The comment box will supply you with the following options
        • Add Your Comment Here - This works just like a regular word document. You can add screenshots within your message when needed.
        • Who Should Be Notified - This will automatically default to everyone assigned to the task. To remove/select people from the notification, click the +Add More link and select/deselect the users who should be notified.
          • NOTE: If you select the box next to the company name (TixTrack or Client Name) it will select all users in that company. Please do not select everyone from TixTrack. That list includes our dev team, and we try to limit the amount of notifications they receive to cut down on the "noise." Please only select users that should be notified about the comment.
        • Attach a File - Some tasks ask for you to attach a file. You can add the file within the comment by clicking on the Attach File button. All files will also live in the "Files" menu within the full project plan.
  2. Seeing Files - When a task has a file attached to it, you will see the paperclip icon next to the task. Click the icon to be directed to the file.

Identifying If A Task Is Something Ticketure Must Configure, Or Client Can Configure

See PINK content in below screenshot 1
  1. Ticketure Configurable - Tasks with this tag are items that must be configured by the Ticketure team in your environments. Additionally, any future change requests would also need to be requested through the Ticketure team.
  2. Client Configurable - Tasks with this tag are items that can be configured by the Client team in your environments. We will utilize the Discovery items with this tag to train your team on these configurations.
  3. Training - Tasks with this tag are items that will be covered in future training sessions.

Navigating The Full Project View

See PURPLE content in below screenshot 4-11
  1. Dashboard (screenshot 5)- The Dashboard will show you a broad overview of the project.
    • Tasks - Mine & All Tasks are measured in a pie graph showing what is Late, Started, Today, Upcoming, Not Dated. If you click on a color within the pie it will open a panel to view tasks associated with that section.
    • Activity - This view is helpful in finding actions or comments taken on tasks. For instance, if someone sends a comment on a task and you want to go view it but can't remember what task it was on, the Activity view will show you all of the activities done in chronological order. You will be able to easily find what you're looking for and click on the task associated with the activity to be directed to the task.
  2. Milestones (screenshot 6) - The Milestones tab will show the high level goals and timeline for the project. I like to sort this page by Date Ascending. 
  3. List & Table (screenshots 7 & 8) - The list and table view show similar information. The List view is more condensed, while the Table view allows for you to customize what fields you want to see about each task. Both will show all of the task lists and tasks for the full project. Use the search feature to search for a task by assignee or keyword. Use the filter feature to filter by that things you're wanting to see.
  4. Notebooks (screenshot 9) - Weekly meeting notebooks are preset based on the project milestones to provide an estimated agenda for each week. Updated meeting notes will be added after each meeting.
  5. Files (screenshot 10) - All files that are uploaded to a project, either in a comment or directly, will live in the Files tab. All "working documents" will be housed in the Client's Ticketure Google Drive folder so that they can be worked on simultaneously.
  6. Links (screenshot 11) - The links area will house helpful articles, links to your environments and eCommerce sites, and videos of the weekly meetings and trainings. 


SCREENSHOT 1 - Home "My Work" Tab - Teamwork Navigation


SCREENSHOT 2 - Viewing & Adding a Comment


SCREENSHOT 3 - Adding a Comment


SCREENSHOT 4 - Full Project Navigation


SCREENSHOT 5 - Dashboard


SCREENSHOT 6 - Milestones






SCREENSHOT 9 - Notebooks






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