Using Smartpay and Ticketure (NZ only)

Smartpay is a New Zealand EFTPOS provider which we have integrated with the Ticketure POS app. You can take payments using Smartpay SmartConnect terminals

Pairing your Smartpay terminal with Ticketure POS

Log in to your Ticketure POS app and select the seller you'll be using.

    1. From the presented options select ‘Sell’
    2. Add some tickets to the cart
    3. Tap ‘Card’ to initiate card payment
    4. Tap Connect
    5. On the popover select Register to register the Smartpay terminal
    6. Enter the pairing code shown on the terminal screen and give the terminal a label

How to get your pairing code

To get your pairing code, power on the terminal. If it hasn't been paired previously it will display "Terminal is not paired, pair it now?". Select YES and an 8 digit pairing code will display for you to enter into the field on the POS screen.

If you are having trouble getting a pairing code, this guide from Smartpay has troubleshooting steps.

Making a sale via Smartpay

    1. Add some tickets to the cart
    2. Tap ‘Card’ to initiate card payment
    3. Process payment on terminal
    4. If successful you will see the success screen

Refunding an order via Smartpay (card refund)

Note: These are 'card present' refunds only and the refund will need to be processed to the customer's card using the payment terminal. There is no support for refunding to the customer's bank account.

    1. Tap the kebab menu at the top right
    2. Select Checkout history
    3. Tap Detail
    4. Tap the order you want to refund to select it
    5. Tap Refund
    6. You’ll see the amount to refund. Tap Refund
    7. Tap Proceed with Card 
    8. Process refund on terminal
    9. You’ll see a success message

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